Friday Aug 24, 2018
Jane Uygur Compassion In Medicine
Friday Aug 24, 2018
Friday Aug 24, 2018
Jane Uygur - Compassion In Medicine
What an opportunity to explore the emotional aspect of being a medic with someone who not only practices as a GP (she's just about to set up practice in Ireland after a hiatus for having kids), but whose research for her PhD centres around the ramifications for all society if we continue not to train for and focus on compassion in our frontline medical services, and how different a picture we can present in terms of both the relational dynamic between patient and medic and also the medical outcome if we choose to put compassion training in place.
Here's some key reads that Jane recommended to us during and after our chat with her -
Paul Gilbert - The Compassionate Mind
Karen Armstrong - 12 Steps To A Compassionate Life
Paul Dodie - Into The Magic Shop
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Shan and Renata Plant Based Medics
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Shan and Renata - we get into why this GP/Health Coach couple are pushing the plant based diet, their own regimes (which includes some great nuggets for busy families trying to eat healthy), their perspective on the ketogenic diet. Oh, and we TRY to get them to name a favourite vegetable...which went a bit like pulling teeth!!!
Shandeep is a GP and his wife, Renata, is a Health Coach who, through seeing the significant changes that their dietary interventions made to their down's syndrome daughter, have decided to set up their own website to assist others in working towards a healthy plant based diet focused on healing and longevity. Shan, working in hospital environments, came to see the opportunity for a fresh perspective in bringing preventative healthcare to the public and the couple aim to stage wellness events aimed at the medical profession to assist them in adopting this healthcare model into their own practices.
You can find out more about their work and pick up some great resources at https://www.smartmednutrition.com/ where they share recipes and other useful plant based nutrition information.
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Lene Van Steenwinkel Feminine Uprising
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Lene is a lady with a strong sense of the rich tapestry that defines the feminine archetype. So much so that she designed a free-flowing, interpretive choreography that aims to permit the complete expression of femininity in all its guises. We had a rambling chat with Lene that delved into her path that brought her to her current thinking around the resurrection, expression and celebration of the wild and sacred feminine spriit.
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Bodo Raskolnikoff - Your Purpose In Life, To Eat Chocolate
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Cacao Ceremony, and the rest! Bodo is such a avid and fearless explorer of his own consciousness that it has brought him to places that many of us leave hidden from view in honour of western social norms. His journey into discovering his own truths led him naturally to assisting others in finding their paths, and he conducts cacao ceremonies as well as tarot readings and other healing rituals that support and engage our unconscious mind in establishing our direction and purpose in the conscious, material world.
Our chat charted some of his journey into this realm and also looked at the conscious economy, how our choice of purchasing cacao and other foods affects the people who grow it. Enjoy!
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Short and Sweet - A Goodybag Full of Small Joys
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
So you guys will hopefully have enjoyed a wee break from our posts as we get ready for an exciting summer full of action, and we're just about to launch our full Meadows In The Mountains festival tour podcasts on you. This is a shorty, but a goody, and if you pop over to see us on Instagram @wanderingintowellness you'll get to see us contort ourselves in a rather ridiculous manner just to announce the winners of our best comments from our first 15 episodes.
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Isis Indriya - Cultural Evolution Through Ritual
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Reaching Back to Go Forward....This lady was a true inspiration, somebody who found their purpose at an early age and has tracked that path ever since. Her fascination with ritual has brought her into contact with some of the origin stories and mythology that has shaped our society, and there was great provenance in being able to tap into her knowledge of the folklore that surrounds dragon culture, a phenomenon that is deeply rooted in the Rhodope mountains where we spoke to her at the Meadows In The Mountains festival in Bulgaria. We also touched on some simple ritual practices that you can choose to embrace to enhance the quality of your life and find joy inside your daily routine.
You can connect with Isis Indriya at livingvillageculture.com or through her FB page @livingvillage or on Instagram @living_village_culture
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Shubamrita Chaitanya The Simplicity of Sitting
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
This chat with Br Shubamrita was truly inspiring. As one of Amma's leading disciples, he tours the world, teaching meditation and helping his audience reach towards spiritual enlightenment. His easy wisdom makes the process of sitting in silence and observing our thoughts at once simple and attractive. We discussed a lot of the barriers to meditation, the practice of detachment, and we got a great insight into his own spiritual journey, going back to his time in India as a young man and his first meetings with Amma. It was such a treat to meet such a relatable man in such a position of prestige in the spiritual world, and we were both struck by how easy it was to strike a chord with a man who lives his life with such spiritual awareness. Find out more about Shubamrita Chaitanya and the great work that he does with Amma's foundation at https://amma.org
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Joseph Devlin - Physio With Feeling In a World Without Touch
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Joseph is a neuromuscular therapist who evolved his practice from more traditional physiotherapy background, and we had a great chat that talked about the issues with the current paradigm of safe touch, how society is losing its ability to stay connected and what this means for us in terms of physical and emotional health, and also got a taste of Joseph's desire to be a changemaker, what made him give up physio, and what brought him back to it after a few years building mud huts.
Catch up with Joseph and book in for a one to one session or try out one of his integrated yoga therapy classes on www.joseph-devlin.com
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
Patrick Beach on Yoga Integrity, Non Attachment and...Basketball
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
What a fun chat! As Patrick so aptly put it, we had our first conversation on record, so we got to know each other from scratch. He's such a genuine and open guy, we chatted through his path to his current mindset, yoga practice and philosophy (Awakening Yoga) and how he makes his way in the world...plus we found out his secret sliding doors career - basketball coach!! Oh and he gave a HUGE shout out to Almighty Foods, and their Cashew Caramello. Enjoy!!
Thursday May 24, 2018
Healthcare - The Way Ahead with Dr Rob Verkerk ANH
Thursday May 24, 2018
Thursday May 24, 2018
In this chat Finn went solo while attending one of the most exciting Natural Health exhibitions in London this April, Natural & Organic Products Europe.
He got to meet Dr Rober Verkerk is an absolutely wicked scientist with a deep deep knowledge of human nutrition, and the heart of a health activist.
You can read more about him and his work here https://www.pukkaherbs.com/our-mission/pukkas-mission-council/robert-verkerk-bio/
and here https://anhinternational.org/about-us_2/
Finn and Rob chatted about the current models of healthcare, his vision and passion for change, and some of the ways in which he has seen progress and what consumers can do to become change makers in their own lives and for society at large.